Shape Optimization of Aerostat Envelopes
C. Vijay Ram, M.Tech, 06, 56 pp.
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076.
Supervisor(s): R. K. Pant

Aerostat envelope shapes are normally determined solely from aerodynamic considerations, viz. low drag and lift coefficients and their volume is a direct indication of their payload carrying capacity. This study investigates a multidisciplinary approach for shape optimization of aerostat envelopes. The problem is formulated in terms of optimization of a single objective function namely payload, which is to be maximized while incorporating structural, and flight mechanical considerations, for an aerostat envelope of a given volume. The envelope geometry is parameterized in terms of six shape generation variables, and a response surface fit for envelope drag coefficient is obtained, which obviates the need for carrying out a detailed CFD evaluation in each iteration of the optimization cycle. Estimation of tether profile as a function of ambient wind conditions, operating altitude and aerodynamic coefficients of the aerostat is carried out, to determine the actual length of tether required, which results in a more accurate estimation of its weight. A procedure for sizing of the fins to provide adequate level of static stability is presented. A multi-fabric construction of the envelope is implemented enabling usage of lighter fabrics in areas with low structural loading, thus resulting in further weight saving. Optimum shapes of the envelope for maximizing the payload capacity for single and multi-fabric constructions have been obtained by coupling a shape generation algorithm to a standard GA optimization code.