Journal Publications







Team Members








Papers in refereed journals:

  1. ​​​​Amit Kumar, Akshay Kumar, Hitesh C, Manas M P, and A. M. Pradeep, 2025, ​“Transient Analysis of Stall Onset in Highly-Loaded Tandem Rotor Configurations for an Axial Compressor", accepted for publication, Physics of Fluids.
  2. Lakshya Kumar, Alone, D. and Pradeep, A M, 2025, "Design, optimization, and aerodynamic interactions of inter-spool duct with an upstream tip-critical transonic axial flow compressor stage", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 267, 125770.
  3. Prashant Godse, Harshal Akolekar and Pradeep, A M, 2024, "Surface Roughness Effects in a Transonic Axial Flow Compressor Operating at Near-stall Conditions", Physics of Fluids,Vol. 36,105145.
  4. Lakshya Kumar, Alone, D. and Pradeep, A M, 2024, "Shock Dynamics and Associated Flow Physics at Near-Stall Condition in a Transonic Axial Flow Compressor", Vol.15, issue 4, International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems, Pages v15n4tp05-
  5. Sushanlal, B and Pradeep, A M, 2024, ""Unsteady Analysis of Secondary Vortex Formations within an Axial Compressor Stage with Tandem Rotor", accepted for publication, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering ( 
  6. Lakshya Kumar, Alone, D., Pradeep, A M, Shobhavathy, MT and Satish Kumar, 2024, "Investigation of Transonic Flow Features in an Axial Flow Compressor Rotor", Defence Science Journal, Vol 74, pp. 163-172.
  7. Amit Kumar, Thomas, J, Pradeep,  A M, Akkermans, R and Kozulovic, D, 2024, "Aerodynamics of Tandem-bladed Axial Compressor Rotor under Circumferential Distortion at Different Rotational Speeds", Journal of Thermal Science (
  8. Amit Kumar, Akshay Kumar, Hitesh C, Shubhali, M. and Pradeep, A M, 2024, "Understanding the Effect of Three Dimensional Design in Tandem Blade",  Vol. 146, Trans. ASME, Journal of Turbomachinery, 031002 (13 pages)
  9. Lakshya Kumar, Alone, D. and Pradeep, A M, 2023, "Evolution of Unsteady Secondary Flow Structures near the Onset of Stall in a Tip-critical Transonic Compressor Stage",  Vol 35, Physics of Fluids, 107118.
  10. Lakshya Kumar, Alone, D. and Pradeep, A M, 2023, "Aerodynamics of Inter-Spool Duct Under the Influence of an Upstream Transonic Compressor Stage", Vol 137,  Aerospace Science and Technology.
  11. Lakshya Kumar, Alone, D. and Pradeep, A M, 2023, "Influence of an Upstream Transonic Axial Compressor Stage on the Performance of Inter-Stage Duct",  Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol 37 (5).
  12. Ashima, M, Goswami, S and Pradeep, A M, 2023, "Impact of Surface Roughness on Gas Turbine Engine Fan and Compressor Rotor", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 37 (5).
  13. Amit Kumar, Thomas, J J, Hitesh C, Akshay Kumar and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Aerodynamics of Sweep in a Tandem-Bladed Subsonic Axial Compressor Rotor", 144 (12): 121202 (19 pages), Transactions ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering.
  14. Sushanlal, B, Probuddho, C and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Transient Nature of Secondary Vortices in an Axial Compressor Stage with a Tandem Rotor", V 34, 065125, Physics of Fluids.
  15. Amit Kumar, Akshay Kumar and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Spike Type of Stall Inception in a Tandem Rotor", V236,, Proc. IMech E, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, pp. 10413-10425.
  16. Akshay Kumar, Manas,MP and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Identification and Classification of Operating Flow Regimes and Prediction of Stall in a Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Fan using Machine Learning", V 126, The Aeronautical Journal, pp. 1351-1369.
  17. Amit Kumar and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Response of a Tandem Staged Compressor to Circumferential Inflow Distortion", Transactions ASME, Journal fo Fluids Engineering, V 144: 091202 (12 pages)
  18. Amit Kumar, Hitesh C, Shubhali, M and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Effect of Differential Tip Clearance on the Performance of a Tandem Rotor", Transactions ASME, Journal of Turbomachinery, V 144: 081007 (10 pages)
  19. Ashima, Goswami, S, and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Performance Deterioration of Axial Compressor Rotor due to Uniform and Non-uniform Surface Roughness", V236, Proc. IMech E, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, pp. 2687-2707.
  20. Manas, MP, Thomas, J J, and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Flow Dynamics of a Contra-rotating Axial Fan under Windmilling and Locked Conditions", AIAA Journal, V 60, pp. 2458-2468.
  21. Amit Kumar and Pradeep, A M, 2022, "Effect of radial inflow distortion on the performance of a highly loaded tandem stage", Proc. IMechE: Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, 236 (1), pp 3-20.
  22. Amit Kumar and Pradeep A M, 2021,"Experimental investigation of tandem rotor under clean and radially distorted inflows", Journal of Propulsion and Power Research, V 10 (3), pp. 247-261.
  23. Amit Kumar and Pradeep A M, 2021, "Design Methodology of a Highly Loaded Tandem Rotor and its Performance Under Clean and Distorted Inflows", Proc. IMech E, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, V 235 (23), pp. 6798-6821.
  24. Manas, M P and Pradeep, A M, 2021, "Influence of Distorted Inflows on the Performance of a Contra-rotating Fan", The Aeronautical Journal, V 125(1286), pp. 702-719.
  25. Manas, M P, Arghya, K and Pradeep, A.M., 2021, "Windmilling Characteristics of a Contra-rotating Axial Fan",  Trans. ASME, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(8): 081004 (8 pages).
  26. Manas, M P and Pradeep, A M, 2020, "Stall Inception in a Contra-rotating Fan under Radially Distorted Inflows, Aerospace Science and Technology, V 105, (105909), 9 pages.
  27. Vishwas Verma, Gursharanjit Singh and Pradeep, A.M., 2020, "The Effect of Inlet Distortion on Low Bypass Ratio Turbofan Engines", Proc. of IMechE, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, V 234, pp. 1395-1413.
  28. Manas MP and Pradeep, A.M., 2020, "Stall Inception Mechanisms in a Contra-rotating Fan Operating under Different Speed Combinations", Proc. of IMechE, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, V234, pp1041-1052. 
  29. Amit Kumar and Pradeep, A.M., 2020, "Design and Off-design Behaviour of a Tandem Rotor Stage", Accepted for publication, Proc. of IMechE, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, V234, pp. 927-942.
  30. Tegegn D Toge and Pradeep, A.M., 2017, "Experimental Investigation of Stall Inception of a Low Speed Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Fan under Circumferential Distorted Flow Condition", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol 70, pp. 534-548.
  31. Harisankar and Pradeep, A.M., 2017, "Improvement of Effectiveness of EMHD Flow Separation Control", Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 39, pp. 3947-3963.
  32. Gavasane, A, Agrawal, A, Pradeep, A M and Bhandarkar, U, 2017, "Simulation of Tempareture Drop for the flow in Rarified Gases in Microchannels", Numerical Heat transfer Part A: Applications, V 71, pp. 1066-1079.
  33. Alone, D.B., Kumar, S, Thimmiah, S., Mudipalli, J.R.R., Pradeep, A.M., Ramamurthy, S. and Iyengar, V., 2017, "Experimental Assessment on Effect of Lower Porosities of Bend Skewed Casing Treatment on the Performance of High Speed Compressor Stage with Tip Critical Rotor Characteristics", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 60, pp. 193-202 ( 
  34. Alone, D.B., Kumar, S, Thimmiah, S., Mudipalli, J.R.R., Pradeep, A.M., Ramamurthy, S. and Iyengar, V., 2016, "Stability management of high speed axial flow compressor stage through axial extensions of bend skewed casing treatment", Propulsion and Power Research, Vol. 5, pp. 236-249 (
  35. Tegegn D Toge and Pradeep, A.M., 2015, "Experimental Investigation of Stall Inception Mechanisms of Low speed Contra Rotating Axial Flow Fan Stage", International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol 2015, Article ID 641601, 14 pages (doi: 10.1155/2015/641601).
  36. Chetan Mistry and Pradeep, A.M., 2015, "Propagation of Different Types of Inflow Distortions Through a Contra Rotating Fan Stage", International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, Vol. 32, pp. 41-57. (DOI: 10.1515/tjj-2014-0012).
  37. Varade, V., Agrawal, A., Prabhu, S.V. and Pradeep, A.M., 2015, "Early onset of flow separation with rarefied gas flowing in a 90 bend tube", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 66, pp. 221-234.
  38. Varade, V., Duryodhan, V., Agrawal, A., Pradeep, A.M., Ebrahimi, A. and Roohi, E., 2015, "Low Mach number slip flow through diverging microchannel", Computers and Fluids, Vol. 111, pp. 46-61 .
  39. Varade, V., Agrawal, A., and Pradeep, A.M., 2015, "Slip flow through converging microchannel: Experiments and three-dimensional simulations," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, V.25, 025015. (23pp).
  40. Varpe, M. and Pradeep, A.M., 2015, "Benefits of Endwall Contouring in a Compressor Cascade with a Tip Clearance", Transactions ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 137, 051101-1-15. (doi: 10.1115/1.4028996).
  41. Varade, V., Agrawal, A., Prabhu, S.V. and Pradeep, A.M., 2015,"Velocity measurement of low Reynolds and low Mach number slip flow through a tube", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 60, pp. 284-289.
  42. Alone, D.B., Kumar, S, Thimmiah, S., Mudipalli, J.R.R., Pradeep, A.M., Ramamurthy, S. and Iyengar, V., 2014, "Improvement Of Moderately Loaded Transonic Axial Compressor Performance Using Low Porosity Bend Skewed Casing Treatment", International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 2014, Article ID 625876, 14 pages, 2014. (doi:10.1155/2014/625876). 
  43. Varade, V., Agrawal, A. and Pradeep, A.M., 2014, "Experimental Study of Rarefied Gas Flow near Sudden Contraction Junction of a Tube", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 26, 062002, (1-21).
  44. Chetan Mistry and Pradeep, A.M., 2014, "Experimental Investigation of a High Aspect Ratio, Low Speed Contra Rotating Fan Stage with Complex Inflow Distortion", Propulsion and Power Research, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 68-81.
  45. Mahesh Varpe and Pradeep, A.M., 2014, "Investigation of the Shear Flow Effect on Secondary Flow and Losses in a Low Speed Axial Flow Compressor Cascade", International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems, Vol. 6, pp. 17-26.
  46. Chetan Mistry and Pradeep, A.M., 2014, "Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Radially Distorted Inflow on a Contra-Rotating Fan Stage", International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol 2014 (2014), Article ID 503579, 14 pages 
  47. Chetan Mistry and Pradeep, A.M., 2014, "Influence of Circumferential Inflow Distortion on the Performance of a Low Speed, High Aspect Ratio Contra Rotating Axial Fan", Transactions ASME, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 136, 071009-1-11.
  48. Varade, V., Agrawal, A., and Pradeep, A.M., 2013, "Behavior of Rarefied Gas Flow Near Junction of a Suddenly Expanding Tube," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 739, pp. 363-391.
  49. Mahesh Varpe and Pradeep, A.M., 2013, "Investigation of the Shear Flow Effect and Tip Clearance on a Low Speed Axial Flow Compressor", International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 490543, 22 pages.
  50. Chetan Mistry and Pradeep, A.M., 2013, "Effect of Variation in Axial Spacing and Rotor Speed Combinations on the Performance of a High Aspect Ratio Contra Rotating Axial Fan Stage", IMechE, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 227, pp. 138-146.
  51. Chiranthan, R.N., Debarshi D., Pradeep, A.M. and Roy, B., 2012, "Effect of Rotor Tip Gap Variation at the Rear Stages of an Axial Flow Compressor", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 225, pp. 233-238.
  52. Salunkhe, P.B., Joseph, J. and Pradeep, A.M., 2011, "Active Feedback Control of Stall in an Axial Flow Fan Under Dynamic Inflow Distortion", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 35, pp. 1135-1142.
  53. Pallav Kant, Kishore Krishna, Pradeep, A.M. and Sudarshan Kumar, 2011,"Theorerical Analysis of the Effect of Water and Ethanol Injection on Axial Compressor Instabilities", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 31, pp. 1703-1711.
  54. Salunkhe, P.B. and Pradeep, A.M., 2010, "Stall Inception Mechanism in an Axial Flow Fan under Clean and Distorted Inflows", Transactions ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 132.
  55. Salunkhe, P.B and Pradeep, A.M., 2010, "Theoretical analysis of rotating stall under static inflow distortion including the effect of tip injection", International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, Vol. 27, pp. 39-50. 
  56. Salunkhe, P.B and Pradeep, A.M., 2010, "Stall Inception and Its Control in an Axial Flow Fan under Dynamic Inflow Distortion",  Proceedings of IMechE, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 224, pp. 383-398.
  57. Vipat , O. , Tian, X.G., Kim, T., Lu, T.J., and Pradeep, A.M., 2010, "Thermal stress induced by an impinging cooling/heating  jet on a flat plate with inclination", AIAA J Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 24, pp. 218-221.
  58. Vipat, O., Feng, S.S., Kim, T.,Pradeep, A.M. and Lu, T.J., 2009, "Asymmetric entrainment effect on the local surface temperature of a flat plate heated by an obliquely impinging two-dimensional jet", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 52, pp. 5250-5257.
  59. Pramod, B.S., Reddy, V.S.R.K. and Pradeep, A.M., 2008, "Tip Injection as a Means for Rotating Stall Control in an Axial Flow Fan", Proc. IMechE, Part A: J. Power and Energy, 2009, 223(A1), pp 55-70
  60. Pradeep, A.M. and Sullerey, R.K., 2006, "Active Flow Control in Circular and Transitioning S-duct Diffusers", Trans. ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 128, pp. 1192-1203.
  61. Sullerey, R.K. and Pradeep, A.M., 2004, "Secondary Flow Control using Vortex Generator Jets", Trans. ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 126, pp. 650-656.
  62. Pradeep, A.M., and Sullerey, R.K., 2004,"Application of Shear Sensitive Liquid Crystals in Flow Visualization and Skin Friction Estimation", Optical Diagnostics in Engineering, 7, pp. 1-9.
  63. Pradeep, A.M. and Sullerey, R.K., 2004, "Detection of Separation in S-duct Diffusers using Shear Sensitive Liquid Crystals", Journal of Visualization, 7, pp. 299-309.
  64. Pradeep A.M. and Sullerey, R.K., 2003, "A Displacement Based Wall Shear Stress Sensor", Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), 84, pp. 27-31.
  65. Sullerey, R.K., Mishra, S., and Pradeep, A.M., 2002, "Application of Boundary Layer Fences and Vortex Generators in Improving the Performance of S-duct Diffusers", Trans. ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 124, pp. 136-42.
  66. Sullerey, R.K., and Pradeep, A.M., 2002, "Effectiveness of Flow Control Devices on S-duct Diffuser Performance in the Presence of Inflow Distortion", International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, 19, pp. 259-270.