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Team Members


Dr. Bishwajit Sharma (2023-2024)
"Flow unsteadiness effects in turbomachines"
2. Dr. Amit Kumar (2021-2022)     
"Tandem blading in compressors"
3. Dr. Sushanlal Babu (2021-2023)    
"Unsteady flows in compressors"
4. Dr. Gursharanjit Singh (2017-18)
"Design-analysis of inter-compressor ducts, mixed flow compressors, inflow distortion in fans"       
5. Dr. Bhavik Mody (2008-09)
"Exhaust diffuser analysis"

Ph.D. Students

1.  Pramod B Salunkhe
"Investigations on Stall Inception and its Control under Clean and Distorted Inflows in a Single Stage Axial Flow Fan"
2. Chetan Mistry (2010-2014) "Experimental Investigations on the Performance of a Contra-rotating Fan Stage  under Clean and Distorted Inflow Conditions"
3. Vijay Varade (2008-2014) "Study of Rarefied Gas Flow Through Microchannel with Complex Geometry" (co-supervisor along with Prof. Amit Agrawal, Mechanical Engineering)
4. Mahesh Varpe (2010-2015) "Endwall Contouring in a Low Speed Axial Flow Compressor Cascade"
5. Dilip Alone (2010-2015) "Enhancing the Stability Margin of a Single Stage Transonic Axial Flow Compressor with Bend Skewed Casing Treatment" (External candidate from NAL Bangalore)
6. Tegegn Dejene Toge (2012-2017) "Investigations on Near-Casing Flow Behaviour and Stall Inception of Contra-Rotating Axial Fan Stage"
Harisankar (2011-2018) 
"Flow Separation Control using EMHD Actuators"
8. Aditya Gupte (2011-2019)
"Analysis of Cavity and Orifice Flow for Synthetic Jet in Crossflow" (Co-Supervisor, Prof. P M Mujumdar, Aerospace Engineering)
Manas M P (2016-2021)
"Flow Dynamics of a Low Speed Contra Rotating Fan"
Amit Kumar (2016-2022)
"Aerodynamics of Tandem Blading in Compressors"
Lakshya Kumar (2020-2025) "Aerodynamics of a Inter-compressor Duct" (co-supervisor, Dr. Dilip Alone, NAL Bangalore)
Saju Joseph (2022-)
"Effect of Surface Irregularities on Tandem Stage Performance"

M.Tech. Students
1. Pawan Gami (2005-2007)      
"Numerical study of submerged air intakes"
2. Harisankar  (2005-2007)          
"Numerical simulation of flow characterisitcs and its control in S-duct diffusers"
3. T Saravana Bhava
"Experimental investigation of secondary flow  control in turbine cascades"
4. Wg. Cdr. VSRK Reddy (2005-2007)      "Active flow control in an axial flow fan using tip injection"
5. Utpal Chakraborthy
(2005- 2007)          
"Active flow control using aspiration in compressor cascades"
6. Sunil Gupta (2006-2008)
(Dual Degree Student)
"Numerical study of blade de-sensitization methods in axial compressors"
7. A Suzith (2007-2009)               
"Numerical study of tip leakage flows in high hub-tip ratio compressor blades"
8. Vaibhav Vashishta (2007-2009)             "Turbine exhaust diffuser flow aerodynamics"
9. John Joseph (2008-2010)       
"Experimental investigation of high hub-tip raio axial compressor rotors"
10. Hemant Memane (2008-2010)  "Numerical analysis of turbine exhaust diffuser"
11. Rohan C (2009-2010)
(Dual Degree Student)
"Numerical simulation of high hib-tip raio compressor performance"
12. Debarshi Dutta (2009-2011)   
"Experimental investigation of tip gap variation in axial comrpessors"
13. Praveen Akula (2009-2011)    
"Numerical simulation of effect of inflow distortion on axial compressor performance"
14. Arpit Maru (2010-2011)
(Dual Degree Student)
"Numerical simulation of the effect of strut geometry and base flows on turbine exhaust  diffuser performance"
15. Yashovardhan S Chati

(Dual Degree Student)
"Experimental Investigation of Tip Leakage Flows in an Axial Flow Compressor"    
16. Jubin Tom George
"Numerical Simulation and Design of an Axial Compressor Rotor with Low Tip Sensitivity"
17. K. Naga Praveen Kumar
"Numerical Analysis of Active and Passive Flow Control Techniques Applied to Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Fan"
18. Arun Raj S.  (2010-2012)         
"Numerical Simulation of Static Inflow Distortion on an Axial Flow Fan - With and Without Tip Injection"
19. Patric Ananda Balan T.
"End wall loss and its control in compressor flow cascades"
20. Md. Saquib Reza (2010-2012)    "Experimental Investigation of Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser with Struts"
21. Rojas Thomas (2011-2013) "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Inflow Conditions on a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser"
22. Shantanu Sharma (2011-2013) "Investigation of flow through Turbine Exhaust Diffusers"
23. Agnimitra Sunkara (2011-2013) "Passage flow physics in high hub-tip ratio axial compressors"
24. Vrushali Joshi (2011-2013) "Flow and its control in serpentine intakes"
25. Vivek Kanti (2011-2013) "Experimental investigation of flow though turbine exhaust diffusers"
26. Manish Kumar (2012-2014) "Experimental and numerical investigation of flow physics and its control in a turbine exhaust diffuser strut-wall junction"
27. Sarath Mohan (2012-2014) "Study of tip leakage flows in a high hub-tip ratio axial compressor stage"
28. Rijas Shareef (2012-2014) "Numerical investigation of optimal suction in a compressor cascade"
29. Anup Singh (2012-2014) "Active flow control in a serpentine intake with cowl-lip and forebody"
30. Raj Patel (2013-2014)  
(Dual Degree)
"Methodology for 3D compressor blade design and analysis"
31. Mitanshu Sharma (2013-2014) (Dual Degree) "Experimental investigation of flow control using plasma actuators"
(Co-supervisor with Prof. Kowsik Bodi, Aerospace Engineering)
32. Shyam Sundar Shukla (2013-2015) "Active and passive flow control in inter-turbine ducts"
33. Akshay B Khadse (2014-2015)
(Dual Degree)
"Design of a continuous running supersonic cascade tunnel"
34. Amit Kumar (2013-2015) "Endwall motion in a compressor cascade"
35. Saket Guddeti (2014-2015)
(Dual Degree)
"Design of a supersonic wind tunnel for intake/nozzle studies"
36. Karthick M (2013-2015) "Investigation of flow control using plasma actuators"
(Co-supervisor with Prof. Kowsik Bodi, Aerospace Engineering)
37. Alok Minesh Shah (2015-2016)
(Dual Degree)
"Investigation of Losses in a Cantilevered Stator"
38. Mangesh Thakkar (2015-2017)
"Off-design Effects in an Axial Compressor Cascade with Endwall Contouring"
39. Rakesh Mangore (2015-2017) "Inflow Distortion Effects in Contra-rotating Axial Fans"
40. Jadhav Prasad (2015-2017) "Investigation of Tandem Compressors"
41. Vipul Goyal (2016-2017)
(Dual Degree)
"Experimental Investigation of Inflow Effects and Unsteady Flows in a Compressor Stage with a Cantilevered Stator"
42. Navjeet Kumar (2016-2017)
(Dual Degree)
"Design and Analysis of Transonic Axial Compressor"
43. G. Tharun Raj (2016-2017)
(Dual Degree)
"Optimization and Analysis of Inter-Compressor Ducts"
44. Sourav Pramanick (2016-2018) "Flow Characteristics in an Inter-Compressor Duct with Struts"
45. Ranjit Kersagar (2016-2018) "Design and Analysis of Flow Through a Mixed Flow Compressor"
Amites Das (2017-2019)
"Optimization of a Mixed Flow Compressor with different inflow Conditions"
Sushilkumar K (2017-2019)
"Analysis of Inflow Distortion Propagation through Transonic Fan"
Lenin Loitongbam (2017-2019)
"Optimization of Inter-compressor Ducts with Different Inflow Conditions"
Kunal Gaikwad (2017-2019)
"Analysis of Part-span Tandem Compressor Blades"
Vishwas Verma (2018-2019)
(Dual Degree)
"Flow through Transonic Rotor: bypass and core duct"
Debjit Modak (2017-2020)
"External Modification Effects on Generic Turboprop Transport Aircraft"
Arghya Karmakar (2018-2020)
"Contra-rotating Fans with  Tandem Design"
Shubhali More (2018-2020)
"Part-span Tandem Compressor Blades"
Hitesh Chhugani (2018-2020)
"Inflow Distortion Effects in Tandem Bladed Compressors"
Deepak G D (2018-2020)
"Unsteady Flow Physics of Inflow Distortion on Transonic Fan"
Srihari K C (2018-2020)
"Design and Analysis of High-performance Centrifugal Compressor"
Dileep Kumar (2018-2020)
"Flow Physics and Optimization of Fan-booster Duct"
Shantanu Thada (2019-2020)
(Dual Degree)
"Analysis of Turbomachinery for a Supercritical CO2 cycle" (Co-supervisor, Prof. Arunkumar Sridharan, Mechanical Engineering)
Ashima (2019-2021)
"Effect of Surface Roughness on Compressor Performance" (Co-supervisor, Dr. Shraman Goswami, Honeywell Bangalore)
Probuddho Chatterjee (2019-2021)
"Contra-rotating Fans with Tandem Blading"
Srinivas Diwanji (2019-2021)
"Unsteady Flow Interactions in a Transonic Fan with Inflow Non-Uniformities"
Kornia Bapari (2020-2022)
"Study of Tandem Stage with Cantilevered Stator"
B Vineeth Kumar (2020-2022)
"Effect of Surface Irregularities in a Contra-rotating Axial Compressor"
AVNS Kalyan (2020-2022)
"Effect of Surface Roughness on a Centrifugal Compressor with Radial Inflow Distortion"
Aditya Kulkarni (2020-ongoing)
"Improving Efficiency of Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump using Computational Analysis of Multiphase Flow" (Main Supervisor: Prof. Milind Rane, Mechanical Engineering)
Avinash Arun (2022-2023)
(Dual Degree)
"Effect of Surface Abnormalities on Tandem Rotor Performance"
Amisha Bansal (2022-2024)
"3D Radial Stacking in Axial Compressor Blades"
Shruti Rajpara (2022-2024)
"Aerodynamics of Turbine Blades Tip Flows"
Shraddha Barua (2022-2024)
"Sub-idle Performance Characterisation of Compressors"
Dheeraj Sappa (2022-2024)
"Effect of Surface Roughness on Tandem Bladed Compressors"
Saurabhh N Pawar (2023-ongoing)
"3D Blade Designs for a multi-stage Axial Compressor"
Vanhhar Ali Shaik (2023-ongoing)
"Surface Roughness Effects in a Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Fan"
Apurva Chavda (2023-ongoing)
"Transient Modeling of Gas Turbine Engines" (Co-supervisor: Prof. T Chandra Sekar)
Vishnu Madabhushi (2023-ongoing)
"Surface Roughness Effects on Tandem Blade Spacing/Axial-overlap"

B.Tech. Students
1. Ojas Vipat (2008-2009)               "Numerical study of heating and  impinging jets"
2. Vivekanand M (2008-2009)          "Experimental investigation of swirling jets"
3. Anup Maheswari (2008-2009)     "Flow control of turbine exhaust base pressure flows"       
4. Yashovardhan S Chati (2010-2011)  "Intercooling in inter-compressor ducts"
5. Pranav Raheja (2012-2013) "Design and analysis of transonic axial fan rotor"
6. Akshay Khadse (2013-2014) "Secondary flow analysis in axial compressor cascade"
7. Saket Guddeti (2013-2014) "Flow characteristics in labyrinth seals"
8. C. Rakshit (2014-2015) "Optimization of intake duct geometries"
9. Vipul Goyal (2015-2016) "Loss propagation in a compressor stage"
10. Tharun Raj (2015-2016) "Flow through highly offset ducts"
11. Deepanshu (2015-2016) "Analysis of a booster stage of a small turbofan engine"
12. Basu Parmar (2016-2017) "Analysis and Quantification of Through Distortion Screens"
Vishwas Verma (2017-2018)
"Flow characteristics in a transonic stage with uniform and distorted inflow conditions"
DSK Prachet (2022-2023)
"Distributed turboelectric propulsion systems"
Faisal Aziz (2022-2023)
"Partial turboelectric distributed propulsion  systems"