
Welcome to my home page! I'm a member of the faculty at the department of aerospace engineering, IIT Bombay. I am also associated with the Centre for Machine Intelligence and Data Science at IIT Bombay. I am currently the Head of the Computer Centre at IIT Bombay. I am an alumnus of the department of aerospace engineering, IIT Madras.
My research interests include particle methods and meshfree methods for computational fluid dynamics, scientific computing, parallel and high-performance computing, machine learning for numerical computation, and applied scientific data visualization. Formerly, I was managing director and later director of Enthought India. I'm an advocate of Free and Open Source software and in my spare time develop some free/open software. I have been a nominated member of the Python Software Foundation since 2010. I blog and tweet very occasionally.
July 2022: Presenting two tutorials at SciPy 2022 in Austin, one paper, and one tools track presentation on Mayavi.
May 2022: Many new papers from our lab, see the publications page.
July 2021: New paper with Prof. Amuthan Ramabathiran (joint first author) "SPINN: Sparse, Physics-based, and partially Interpretable Neural Networks for PDEs", accepted in the Journal of Computational Physics. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2021.110600 (arXiv 2102.13037)
July 2020: Aditya Bhosale and I won the best poster award at SciPy 2020, for "Compyle: Python Once, Parallel Computing Anywhere", (Compyle poster presentation, Compyle poster video, Compyle paper)
May, 2020: Our reproducible paper on "An improved non-reflecting outlet boundary condition for weakly-compressible SPH" is now online (doi:10.1016/j.cma.2020.113119).
March, 2020: Our latest reproducible paper on "An efficient, open source, iterative ISPH scheme" is now online (doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107283).
23th July, 2019: 3D visualisation with Mayavi and VTK at STFC Data Intensive, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Summer School 2019, University of Sussex, UK.
21st July, 2019: Bugfix Mayavi version 4.7.1 released.
1st -- 2nd July, 2019: VTK and Mayavi course at the EPSRC center for doctoral training for the Next Generation Computational Modelling at the University of Southampton, UK.
1 July, 2019: Mayavi version 4.7.0 released. First fully functional jupyter/jupyterlab support for Mayavi.
21 -- 22nd December, 2018: SciPy India 2018.
26 November, 2018: PySPH version 1.0a6 has been released.
26 November, 2018: automan version 0.4 has been released.
26th October, 2018: Seminar at UMass Amherst.
2 September, 2018: Mayavi version 4.6.2 released.
9th - 15th July, 2018: co-chairing the SciPy 2018 conference in Austin, Texas, USA.
July - December, 2018: On Sabbatical at MIE UMass Amherst.
Please see the internships page for more information on internship opportunities.
Contact details
Prabhu RamachandranDepartment of Aerospace Engineering,
IIT Bombay, Mumbai,
INDIA - 400 076
Phone: +91 22 2576 7121
Fax (departmental): +91 22 2572 2602
Fax (institute): +91 22 2572 3480
prabhu [at] aero . iitb . ac . in