Name : Dr. Niranjan Krishna Naik
Address :
Official :
Emeritus Professor
Aerospace Engineering Department
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai - 400 076, India
Residential : Flat 804, A Wing, Gundecha Heights
Opp. St. Xaviers School, L.B.S. Marg
Kanjurmarg (West)
Mumbai - 400 078, India
Date of Birth : 20 June
Nationality : Indian
Tel : (+91 22) 2576 7101 (Landline, Office)
E-mail : nknaik[AT]aero.iitb.ac.in
URL : http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~nknaik
- Polymer Matrix
Composites / Textile Composites : Analysis, Design and Technology
- Special Interest on Aerospace
Manufacturing Technologies

- Thermomechanical Analysis of 2D / 3D Woven and Braided Composites
- Low Velocity Impact / Ballistic Impact Behavior of Composites
- Strain Rate Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Composites
- Honeycomb Sandwich Structures with Composite Inserts
- Hybrid Composites
- Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Composites
- Carbon Nanotube Dispersed Resins and Polymer Matrix Composites
- Naik, N.K. 1994. Woven Fabric Composites, Technomic Publishing Company, Inc., Lancaster, PA, USA. Now, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
- Chapters in Books: Blackie Academic and Professional, London, 1996; Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1997; Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England, 2002; Woodhead Publishing Limited, an imprint of Elsevier, Cambridge, England, 2016, Book 1; Woodhead Publishing Limited, an imprint of Elsevier, Cambridge, England, 2016, Book 2.
- Pandya Kedar S., Ch. V. Sesha Kumar, N. S. Nair, P. S. Patil and N. K. Naik. 2015. Analytical and experimental studies on ballistic impact behavior of 2D woven fabric composites, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 24:471-511.
DOI: 10.1177/1056789514531440
- Pandya Kedar S. and N. K. Naik. 2015. Analytical and experimental studies on ballistic impact behavior of carbon nanotube dispersed resin, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 76: 49-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j-ijimpeng.2014.09.003
- Naik, N.K., Kedar S. Pandya, Jayaram R. Pothnis and Tamrat Abishu Gelu. 2014. Revisiting Kolsky bar data evaluation method, Composite Structures, 111: 446-452. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.01.030
- Naik, N.K, M. Sirisha and A. Inani. 2014. Permeability characterization of polymer matrix composites by RTM / VARTM, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 65: 22-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2013.09.002
- Naik, N.K., Santosh Kumar, D. Ratnaveer, M. Joshi and K. Akella. 2013. An energy-based model for ballistic impact analysis of ceramic-composite armors, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 22 (2):145-187.
- Jayaprakash, K., Y.M. Desai and N.K. Naik. 2013. Fatigue behavior of [0n/90n]s composite cantilever beam under tip impulse loading, Composite Structures, 99: 255-263.
- Satapathy, M.R., B.G. Vinayak, K. Jayaprakash and N.K. Naik. 2013. Fatigue behavior of laminated composites with a circular hole under in-plane multiaxial loading, Materials and Design, 51: 347-356.
- Naik, N.K. 2012. Guest Editorial: Special issue on high velocity impact behavior of composites, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design,47 (7): 395.
- Naik, N.K., R. Goel and M.D. Kulkarni. 2008. Stress wave attenuation in ceramic plates, Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (10), art. no. 103504.
- Naik, N.K., Y. Chandrasekher and S. Meduri. 2000. Damage in woven fabric composites subjected to low velocity impact, Composites Science and Technology, 60:731-744.
- Naik, N.K. and V.K. Ganesh. 1996. Failure behavior of plain weave fabric laminates under on-axis uniaxial tensile loading: II - analytical predictions, Journal of Composite Materials, 30:1779-1822.
- Naik, N.K. and P.S. Shembekar. 1992. Elastic behavior of woven fabric composites: I - lamina analysis, Journal of Composite Materials, 26:2196-2225.

- Fiber Reinforced Composites
- Composite
Structures Analysis and Design
- Aircraft Production
Contents © July 2017 N.K.Naik